St. Augustine’s – Parkland is a busy church! We find lots of ways to get involved, both within the parish and outwardly, into the communities of Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, and Parkland County…
Altar Guild
One of the unseen ministries in our church is that of the Altar Guild. This dedicated group is charged with anything and everything to do with the altar area of our church. That includes changing and cleaning the linens, putting up banners, preparing the sacraments of communion, maintaining the tabernacle (the little wall-hung box with a candle that holds reserved bread and wine), and a zillion other tiny jobs that “set the stage” for our worship services. Whenever the seasons of the church change, the altar guild is there, ensuring the place that is the focus of our attention is glowingly beautiful!
The Anglican Church Women (ACW) are a vibrant part of our church family.
Business meetings are held at 1pm the second Wednesday of the months of March, June, September, and December.
Fellowship, speakers and other activities are held the months of February, April, May, October, and January.
We hope these activities will be a time of fellowship and fun for all.
The ACW continues to support outreach projects to the best of their ability and means. It will also continue to participate in World Day of Prayer, Regional Autumn Gatherings and diocesan activities.
All ladies are welcome to attend our monthly meetings/gatherings.
Auggie’s Cafe
Every Tuesday from 11am until 1pm we host Auggie’s Café, a place where anyone can congregate for a hot meal and some fellowship and conversation. Totally financially self-sustaining thanks to the blessings of locally-provided donations of food and cash, each week approximately 200 nutritious meals are served to all who are in need. A small army of volunteers provides cooking, clean-up, and conversation that is given in the spirit of helping those in need of food and companionship.
Please consider volunteering your time or donating directly to Auggie’s Café!
Are you interested in baptism for yourself or for your child? We would love to discuss that with you. The sacrament of baptism is a very special time for your family and for the church family. All Christians celebrate together and are reminded that baptism brings one into God’s eternal family for ever.
If you have any questions regarding the sacrament of baptism please call the church office at 780-962-5131
Sunday School
Sunday School will be starting the second week in September in the classroom next to the Sanctuary for about 20-30 minutes during the regular service. We will use the ‘Whole People of God” curriculum which follows the regular lectionary readings used in the Sunday Service.
All children are welcome! See you there!
Copper Sky Lodge
Located in Spruce Grove, Copper Sky is an assisted living facility.
On the first and third afternoons of each month – at 2pm – we offer worship services to all Christians of Copper Sky. Our worship always has lots of music (including many old hymns) provided by dedicated members of our music team.
Every few months, we are honoured to provide a memorial service, to remember and rejoice for all those who have recently passed from living at Copper Sky.
Bible Study
Each Monday at 10:00 am Rev. Kevin leads a study through the lectionary readings for the following Sunday. This prepares us for our upcoming worship service and gives us a deeper understanding of the scriptures.
In our weekly printed bulletins, the following Sunday’s scripture readings are noted so that you can study ahead of time. Alternately, you can directly access the Anglican Church of Canada’s online lectionary.
Fenwyck Heights
Fenwyck Heights is a Seniors’ Supported Independent Living facility on Pioneer Road in Spruce Grove. This residence consists of 170 suites and some of our parishioners are now calling Fenwyck “home.”
On the second Wednesday of each month, at 10:30 am, we hold a service for the residents, which consists of either Morning Prayer or Holy Eucharist, supported by members of our music team.
If someone close to you has died, we offer you our deepest condolences. In the midst of grieving, planning a funeral is an especially hard time for family and friends. Our ministers wish to spend time with you in preparation of the celebration of life and grieving the loss of a loved one. Our ministers are devoted to assisting with decisions for your loved one’s service and providing spiritual support for as long as you have need.
There is no charge for funeral services at St. Augustine’s. For those who can afford it, however, we do appreciate a donation to offset our costs. A $400 tax refundable donation would be generous.
To enquire about a funeral or memorial service please call Rev. Kevin at 780.962.5131
Weddings are a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends and we want to assist you with that very special moment when before God and everyone present you state your love for each other. We know that you need our pastor and our facilities to be available to you throughout your planning process and especially on your wedding day.
The following fees will assist us in offsetting our support and facility costs:
Facility – $450.00
Pianist (If required) – $200.00
Sound System (If required. Includes tech support) – $100.00
Digital Projector System (If required) – $100.00
Deposit at the time of booking – $250.00
Church key deposit – $50.00
These fees include one evening rehearsal and all day access on your special day.
Thank you so much for choosing St Augustine’s Parkland Anglican Church for the celebration of this special time. For further information on weddings at St. Augustine’s please call the church office at 780-962-5131
The respect you show for our facility is greatly appreciated.
It is also important for you to know that facility fees paid to St. Augustine’s go back into our operations and local ministries within our community.
Messy Church
Messy Church News
We have moved Messy Church online for the time being. Look for Messy Church @ Home posts on the church homepage. If you would like to be alerted when we post new content, please send an email to
What is Messy Church?
Messy Church began in 2017 and is a fresh expression of church that aims to bring people from all ages and walks of life together. Using our creativity, hospitality and in the sharing of meal, we experience and understand God in our lives and as a church gathered together in His name.
Messy Church is lively, creative, fun and above all, messy!
Messy Church provides an opportunity for whole families to explore their faith together in fun and interesting ways by telling stories, doing crafts, and taking part in activities that illuminate the theme of the month.
Men of St. Augustine’s
MoSA meets for breakfast on the first Saturday of each month alternating locations between Stony Plain and Spruce Grove.
Bill Courtis is the primary contact for MoSA.
Music at St. Augustine’s is varied and exciting. With hymns ranging from high church pipe organ and chant, to old favourites and contemporary tunes, we strive to make the worship experience joyful, prayerful, and appropriate to the liturgical season.
Supported by our knowledgeable tech team, our musicians expand on the vocal and organ harmonies with piano, guitar, and occasional banjo, fiddle, mandolin, bass, and percussion. Our all-inclusive choir and various small ensembles perform at high points in the year, especially Christmas and Easter, as well as at special gala events like our recent presentation of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” as read by CBC Radio personalities.
We’re always on the lookout for musical talent. If you’re interested in helping lead in worship of our Lord and Saviour through music, please chat with one of our music team members over coffee after Sunday service.
The NeighbourLink office is closed to the public. All requests must be done by phone. Should you require assistance or know of anyone in need please call 780-960-9669.
NeighbourLink is a faith-based ministry provided by a network of volunteers from participating Christian churches in the tri-municipal area. This network provides a “one stop” resource centre to render assistance to people called “neighbours” who have a wide variety of needs and have no other means to get help. NeighbourLink works closely with other social service agencies to provide hand in hand services to those in need.
Time and Talents required to respond to the various requests for assistance are provided by the volunteers from the participating churches. Over the years, St. Augustine’s has provided annual financial support to NeighbourLink, with many of our Church members serving as NeighbourLink volunteers, on the NeighbourLink Board of Directors, or on both.
The central resource centre, staffed by two people, receives the requests, usually by telephone. Some requests for assistance are relayed directly from the NeighbourLink office to a church NeighbourLink volunteer who has previously indicated what type of assistance they can provide and when they may be available.
The telephone number for the central resource centre is 780 960 9669.
The present NeighbourLink coordinator/liaison from St. Augustine’s is Debbie Courtis.
The Healing Prayer Team is led by Rev. Lesley Hand, one of our honorary assistants and the leader of the On Eagle’s Wings ministry. Rev. Lesley explains healing prayer:
Although unfamiliar to many of us today, healing prayer is one of the most ancient ministries of the Christian church. In fact, Jesus’ own mission and ministry can be summed up by saying that he ‘proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom of God and healed the sick’. (Luke.4:18-19) After Jesus’ death and resurrection, after Pentecost, the apostles continue Jesus’ ministry of healing through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 3:1-10)
The biblical stories of healing are many and varied. One of the common threads is the transforming difference that the presence of Jesus makes in people lives. The ministry of Christian healing, then, is best described as “The difference that Jesus Christ makes in body, mind, spirit, and lifestyle for those who take him seriously.” Or, even more simply, “Jesus Christ meeting you at the point of your need.” (Lawrence, Roy. The Practice of Christian Healing: A Guide for Beginners. London, SPCK. 1998. pp. 13-14)
When we look at the Bible stories of healing, we see that Jesus never turned anyone away. There were no limits to the kinds of people whom Jesus healed or the kinds of conditions they were suffering from. Jesus cares about our toothache as much as our cancer. He cares about our stress from a bad day at work as much as our grief and depression.
It is important to be clear that it is Jesus who heals through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus calls all of us to pray for each other. However, ministers of healing prayer, whether clergy or laity, are those who are uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit, and trained by the church, and passionate for praying for the healing love of God to come into people’s lives.
The healing prayer team will be available in the small prayer chapel beside the organ each Sunday during communion time. Appointments can also be made for personal prayer times outside of the Sunday service. Talk to any of the clergy to make an appointment. All prayer requests are kept in the strictest confidence.
Seniors at St. Augustine’s – Parkland
Seniors form a large- and vital – part of our parish. So rather than create specific programming for them, we encourage seniors to take part in every aspect of our church life.
Of specific interest to seniors are our Daytime Bible Study group, Anglican Church Women, Altar Guild, Wonderful Wednesday Women (ladies coffee group), and MoSA (men). Information about all of these groups can be found through the tabs on the left side of this page.
Aged 10-18, our Youth Group is young and vibrant. We try to meet at least bi-monthly, depending on schedules, for some fun and fellowship!